
Citing this project

This project has been licensed as CC BY-NC. This license lets others share, remix, adapt, and build upon this work non-commercially, with citation. Although new works must acknowledge the original project and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

To cite individual pages: Contributor names are included at the end of each page where appropriate. Some students have chosen to contribute anonymously to the project.

To cite the full website:

Ants Among Elephants: A Digital Project. Edited by Dhanashree Thorat, 2023, https://antsamongelephants.wordpress.com/.

Some Notes

We follow Gidla’s writing convention in naming her uncle as “Satyam.” In the public, he is known as K. G. Satyamurthy or Comrade SM. Likewise, some of the essays use the term “caste Hindus” (as noted in the memoir) to refer to savarna characters.

To share feedback, please email Dr. Dhanashree Thorat at dt1349@msstate.edu.

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